Are You a Good Reader? Here’s What Your Favorite Literary Type Says About You

Are You a Good Reader? Here’s What Your Favorite Literary Type Says About You

Have you ever had a moment where you just stared at your shelves and wondered, “Am I a good reader?” If you favor a specific type of genre or a specific author, it might cross your mind that you aren’t really well-read, since there’s a world of literature and genres and authors that you haven’t touched on yet.

But the truth is, no matter how many books you read, or how many authors you know, there will always be an endless line of literature that you don’t know yet. You can’t possibly read every single book in every single genre. So instead of debating whether reader A is a better reader than reader B, or vice-versa, let’s just accept that no two readers are the same, making neither better than the other.

So let’s start a healthy discussion, and talk about what your reading preferences say about you as a reader.

  1. Fiction

According to a 2013 survey, more American women read fiction than American men, especially young adults. Sure enough, the Goodreads and “Bookstagram” (a portmanteau for “books” and Instagram”) communities tend to be dominated by women, and young adult fiction novels are often the bestsellers.

Murder mystery is one of the most popular fiction genres. According to research, murder mystery fans usually prefer a plot of medium complexity, despite the genre’s requirement for more cognitive thought. Its readers are found to gain a sense of self-validation when they solve the mystery or confirm their suspicions in the end.

Crime, another popular genre, is also preferred by people with a high need for cognition. But crime is considered “light” entertainment that can be enjoyed with less cognitive effort. So if you like a simpler storyline without the complicated conundrums, you’d probably pick crime over murder mystery.

Romance readers, meanwhile, may be emotional, easily getting attached to the main character and feeling their feelings as well. Fantasy readers may be the same, but they also tend to repeat or binge-read a series or watch its film adaptation.

  1. Nonfiction

If you typically read newspapers, magazines, or your area’s interesting local news, you’re probably a reader who just prefers facts to fiction. You devour numbers, historical accounts, and all kinds of real-life stories. There’s a study, however, that revealed that newsreaders are less emotionally intelligent than fiction readers. But of course, that’s not true for everyone. If you want to be more empathetic, read a lot of self-help books. It will help you interpret yourself and the world more positively, inspire you to make better life choices and exceed your limits.

Nonfiction readers also like to pick up random bits of knowledge. In your group of friends, you’re probably the one who can blurt out trivia anytime.

  1. Classical Literature

Readers who only prefer classical literature can be perceived as a literary snob. But that’s only if you’d never bother to pick up a book of another genre because, for you, books authored by former presidents or influential scholars are the only ones worth reading.

But your love your classical literature will help boost your social cognition skills, language abilities, reading comprehension skills, and let you learn about your inner strength. So be proud of your Jane Austen or Charles Dickens collection; just don’t disrespect current authors and their readers.

  1. Poetry

If you love poetry, you’re probably a writer who’s also a romantic. After all, poetry helps you learn about metaphors, creative ways to express emotions, and our five senses. It also makes you appreciate the simplicity or the complexity of what a few lines mean.

Reading poetry also helps you improve your ideas, and relax you after a long day of working or writing. So if you’re always inspired to write or create, you’re probably devouring poetry!

Remember, the type of literature you read shouldn’t define your worth as a reader. Reading, after all, develops our empathy, so there shouldn’t be a competition on who’s the most well-read in the first place.

Meta Title: What Your Reading Preferences Say About You

Meta Description: There are many discussions about books, with readers debating who’s the best author, who has the best work, what genre is the best, etc. Some even argue the meaning of being “well-read.” Find out if your favorite literary makes you a good reader.



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